Join Us at the Lyric April 1-3 for our 2nd Annual International Film Festival.
We are featuring three critically acclaimed films from Brazil, Spain, and China. $6.00 tickets for individual movies are available or buy a $15 pass to see all three.
City of God
City of God
City of God delivers a bruising, visceral experience of the vicious spiral of violence that draws kids into a life of crime, brutality and murder as the only avenue open to them.
David Rooney
The Spirit of the Beehive
The Spirit of the Beehive
… the finest and most beautifully wrought first film of the European ’70s, a mysterious crucible as elusive, concrete, and visually primal as anything by Herzog, Straub, Olmi, or Denis.
Michael Atkinson
The Village Voice
House of Flying Daggers
House of Flying Daggers
House of Flying Daggers is the rare film that inspires audiences to suspend a sense of reality and allow themselves to be transported, as if under a spell, to an alternate, fantastic world.
Claudia Puig
USA Today